==> Click Here to Read Part III <==
In this part we will discuss about the types of cursor. Yes there are different types of cursor and they work differently depending on their type.
In first part we discussed about,
what the cursor is and why we
need it.
In this part we will discuss about the types of cursor. Yes there are different types of cursor and they work differently depending on their type.
In normal or simple cursor the data
can only be retrieved one row at a time in forward direction
using "FETCH" statement.
Scrollable Cursor :-
With Scrollable cursor, you can scroll forward/backward through the data(Result set of select
statement) in an application program.
Ok but before everything else how do you distinguish that the cursor defined in the program
is scrollable or not.
The keyword "SCROLL" is
use to specify that the cursor defined is scrollable.
Declare Cursor1 (cursor
Ok so this is how you define it.Now, how
does it work? how do you move through the data?
Similar to normal cursor, Fetch statement is
still used but is combined with different keyword to move the fetching in
specific direction.
Example :
:- This will fetch the first row in the result set.
CURRENT :- This will
fetch the current row from the result set.
Similarly there are different keywords like
So for the above defined cursor ,
the fetch statement will be
FETCH FIRST Cursor1 INTO .....
Fetch first statement will
position the cursor to the first row of the result set and then fetch it to the
defined host variable.
Scrollable cursor makes it easy to
scroll through the data thus saves amount of time and effort.
There are two types of scrollable
Yes there are again types of
scrollable cursor but it make sense to understand on what factor they
are diffracted.
1. Sensitive
: With this type of scrollable cursor,the program can
access the
data changed /updated by the user.So at the time, the data
being fetch from the table using the cursor if some other
data changed /updated by the user.So at the time, the data
being fetch from the table using the cursor if some other
process update/delete the data from table that get
reflected in
the result set.
the result set.
Inserts will not be reflected in
the result set.
2. Insensitive : This
type of scrollable cursor will not show any change that
made to the data at the time of fetch so the underlying data will
not be reflected in the result set
made to the data at the time of fetch so the underlying data will
not be reflected in the result set
So the definition of cursor finally would finally look
Declare Cursor1 (cursor name)
Thing to remember: -
Though easier to use , you should
not define every cursor to be scrollable as it require more overhead to the
normal/conventional type of cursor.
To be specific , if you do not
need to move forward /backword through
the result set do not use scrollable cursor.
Until now we saw that using cursor(be it any
type) we can fetch only one row at a time.We can also fetch multiple rows using
single fecth statement in a cursor.
Great blog... Your blog made me understand DB2 in a complete new way.. :)
Nitin can you explain the difference between an unique key and a primary key?
Each and every article is amazingly described
The way you are explaining things is precise and awesome.Even beginners can now clearly understand DB2 functionality.Thanks a lot for your precious time in posting these blogs.Good and great
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